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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us and we have taken steps to ensure that your data is secure and protected.

If you have any questions, please contact us via our contact page for further information.

  • is ONLY for individuals over the age of 18 years of age, if you are under the age of 18 you should not
  • You agree that by accessing our website you given


You confirm that you have the legal capacity to provide consent as per relevant laws. By explicitly and voluntarily granting your informed consent to Empire Collection, you authorize the handling of your personal information in accordance with the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Should you wish to retract your consent, please promptly contact us via our contact page.

Information we collect from you

The information you provide to us is all the information we store.

Periodically, we may conduct surveys or market research, during which we may request further information from you. This data aids us in enhancing the quality and type of services provided on the Site, as well as how they are delivered to you.


We use cookies to track traffic patterns and enhance your browsing experience upon revisiting the Site. While cookies do not personally identify you, they do recognize your computer. You have the option to configure your browser to alert you upon receiving a cookie, allowing you to accept or reject it on a case-by-case basis.

Use of your personal information

Unless you raise objections, your personal information may be utilized for the following purposes:

  • Sending news, updates about our activities, and general promotional materials that we deem beneficial to you.
  • Monitoring access to the Site and usage of its services.
  • Profiling the demographics of Site users.
  • Ensuring the smooth operation of the Site.
  • Supporting our marketing, planning, development, and research endeavors.

Should you request that we refrain from using your personal information in a specific manner or altogether, we will make reasonable efforts to comply with your request. However, we reserve the right to continue using or disclosing this information if:

  • We subsequently notify you of the proposed use or disclosure, and you do not object.
  • We believe that such use or disclosure is reasonably necessary to assist law enforcement or government agencies in carrying out their functions.
  • Disclosure is mandated by law.

Disclosure of your information

We may share personal information with our service providers who assist us in running the Site, but only with your consent if the third party is not affiliated with Empire Collection.

In certain situations, we may disclose personal information if we have reason to believe it’s necessary to identify, contact, or take legal action against individuals who may be causing harm to our rights, property, users, or others.

We may also disclose personal information when required by law.

If we undergo business transactions like selling or acquiring businesses or assets, customer information, including personal information, may be transferred as part of such transactions. In the rare case of insolvency, personal information may be transferred to a trustee or debtor in possession and then to a subsequent purchaser.

Any information voluntarily shared in publicly accessible areas of the Site may be viewed and used by others. We recommend avoiding the disclosure of contact information you prefer to keep private. We are not liable for personal information voluntarily disclosed by users in public areas.


You are responsible for safeguarding your personal information by taking reasonable measures. This includes protecting your password and ensuring the security of your computer. Remember to log out of shared computers after each use. Exercise caution when sending sensitive information via email, as it may not be entirely secure. Be wary of any email requesting your password, as it is likely fraudulent.

While we have implemented processes to protect your personal information, including procedures to prevent unauthorized access and maintain data security, no system is entirely foolproof, including encryption methods. Despite our efforts, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal information.

As mandated by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), we are committed to notifying you in the event of an eligible data breach and will take reasonable steps to remedy the situation. However, we cannot guarantee that our efforts will prevent all breaches. In the event of a breach, we will promptly notify you and provide recommendations to minimize any potential loss or damage.

Your Account

All data and information added to our website will be your sole responsibility, you have the right to update, change or delete the information at any time.


If you find that there is an issue on our website, please contact our support via our contact page and we will work with you to resolve the issue.

Holding Data

We reserve the right to hold data for as long as required, however to ensure our site functions efficiently files and content will be deleted from time to time. It is your responsibility to keep backups.


We reserve the right to update or amend our privacy policy at any time. It is your sole responsibility to stay up to date with changes, and your continued use of our platform will be considered as acceptance of these changes.

Last updated: 1/5/2024