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Terms & Conditions


These Terms and Conditions govern your (referred to as “You,” “Your,” “User,” “Advertiser,” or “Escort”) use of the Services provided on the Site and establish a legally binding agreement between You and Empire Collection

Given their significance, it’s crucial that You thoroughly read and understand these Terms before using the Services.

By registering to use the Services, You affirm that You have had sufficient opportunity to review and comprehend these Terms and agree to be bound by them. You acknowledge and agree that these Terms include the Website Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, and the Refund Policy.

You confirm that You are at least 18 years old and legally capable of entering into this Agreement. Empire Collection expressly prohibits minors from using the Site.

If You do not agree to these Terms and Conditions, You are not permitted to access or use the Site.


Scope of Services

We offer an online platform for advertising social escort services in Australia. Registering as an advertiser on the Site allows You to publish and display Your advertisement subject to these Terms and Conditions.

Empire Collection does not become a party to any communications, agreements, or transactions between You and Site Users. We solely provide an advertising platform.

We cannot guarantee that Users of the Site will fulfill contracts or transactions. You must conduct Your own due diligence before engaging with Users and implement safety measures. By using the Site, You release Empire Collection from any claims arising from disputes with Users.


Account and Security

Upon registering for the Services, You receive a User account and password. You must keep this information confidential and not disclose it to third parties. If You suspect un-authorized access to Your account, You must promptly notify us to deactivate it. We are not liable for any losses resulting from compromised accounts and public exposure of Your personal information. You are responsible for the content of Your advertisements, which are publicly visible.

We reserve the right to disable accounts or passwords if You violate these Terms and Conditions.

By registering with the Site and using the Services, You confirm that all provided information is accurate and agree to keep it updated.


Advertisement Types

Advertisement costs are in Australian dollars and include GST.

Standard advetising is FREE

Verified advertising is $49 per month, with the opportunity for users to get a free account if they complete our affiliate program. Advertising periods start upon payment.



Payments must be made before advertisements are published.

We notify You before advertisement expiration to renew or remove it. If You choose not to renew, We may remove Your advertisement temporarily.

We may offer complimentary advertising periods as part of promotional campaigns.

Payments are processed through third-party gateways. We are not liable for any issues arising from their use.


Advertiser Content Advertiser Content must:

Be owned by You. Comply with laws and regulations. Not be offensive, obscene, or misleading. Not include unsolicited advertising. Not infringe intellectual property rights. You must maintain records demonstrating compliance and provide them upon request. We do not endorse Advertiser Content and may remove or edit it at Our discretion.

You retain ownership of Your intellectual property but grant us a license to use it for providing Services.

You also grant Users a license to view Your Advertiser Content, which terminates upon content removal.


Permission to Report Unauthorized Copies

We may engage third parties to remove unauthorized copies of Your Content.

We reserve the right to remove Your Content or terminate advertisements for violations. Our decision is final.


Prohibited Use

Prohibited conduct includes non-compliance with Content requirements, using Services as a minor, and posting offensive material.

You must report prohibited conduct to us. We may take remedial action, including content removal or suspension.



We are not liable for damages resulting from Site or Service use. We make no warranties regarding information accuracy, distribution, or Advertiser Content protection.

We do not endorse or verify Advertiser Content, and You are solely responsible for its accuracy.

We do not guarantee specific distribution for advertisements.


Empire Collection Intellectual Property

We own intellectual property rights excluding Advertiser Content.

You may not use Our intellectual property without written consent.


Limitation of Liability and Indemnity

We are not liable for damages resulting from Site or Service use.

You indemnify us for claims arising from Your Site or Service use.

Restricted Use You may access the Site for personal use but may not sell Site information without permission.



We may terminate Your access to the Site without notice for breaches. We may reinstate access at Our discretion.


Governing Law

These Terms are governed by Victorian laws. If Victoria lacks jurisdiction, Australian laws apply. You submit to jurisdiction in these areas.



We are not liable for failure to comply with these Terms due to circumstances beyond Our control.

If any Terms are invalid, remaining Terms remain in force.

These Terms constitute the entire agreement between You and Us.

We may update Terms and notify You, with Your continued use indicating acceptance.

Last updated: 1/5/2024